Author Archives: Perks

Sir Alex leaves Manchester United in preparation to take over from the Queen

Previously crowned 'king of Europe' Fergie takes on a smaller challenge

Previously crowned ‘king of Europe’ Fergie takes on a smaller challenge

Sir Alex Ferguson has announced his retirement from football today, positioning himself to take over managing the country from the Queen.

“I see Prince Charles is being sent to the commonwealth meeting in the Queen’s place to prepare him” Fergie told reporters. “These other countries need a leader they can trust and take seriously, so I will go with him.”

This move has led to speculation that not even the Queen can trust the Prince of Wales to take on the role as head of state when the time comes. Insiders at the palace have denied that claim, but with Sir Alex expected to sit beside the Queen during the state opening of Parliament, the rumours continue.

Earlier there were conflicting reports. Some had suggested he was going to take the top job at Reading FC, but the ‘royals’ he is going to manage turned out to be the Windsors.
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Filed under Lifestyle, News, Politics, Royals, Sport, Uncategorized

First time buyers flock to village with an ‘interest only’ in repossessed properties

Harold for saleThe village of Harold has seen a large rise in the amount of interest from first time buyers as a result of the latest financial ticking time bomb. The village has more interest only mortgages than anywhere else in the UK. The concern is that people will have not saved enough money to pay the final lump sum, leading to repossessions and cheap properties going to auction.

One hopeful home-owner explained “from what I have heard the whole village will be up for sale at this rate. I’ve got my eye on a nice three bedroom property at the moment, but I’ve heard rumours even the church could be up for grabs.”
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MoD embarrassed over acquisition of ‘X-Ray specs’ for war zone security

The product looked so convincing, nobody was aware of the con

The product looked so convincing, nobody was aware of the con

Children’s magazines from the UK and the USA have been found guilty of fraud after they were caught advertising X-Ray specs.

The specs, which were seen advertised in many 70’s and 80’s magazines such as ‘Combat and Survival’, ‘Soldier of Fortune’ and even the usually reputable ‘Beano’ have been proven not to work, which not only put boys at risk as they tried to see their teacher’s underwear, but also our forces who were using the specs to look for hidden explosives.
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Bank of England regrets outsourcing printing of ‘Churchill’ £5 note

No, no, no, no, no

Is this the right Churchill? No, no, no, no, no

The Bank of England has said it ‘regrets’ the decision to outsource the printing of the new £5 note to a printer in China. The note that was hailed as the one to feature the image of Churchill on the back has inadvertently become an advertisement for car insurance.

The new governor of the bank, Paul Tucker, has apologised for the error and has admitted that in hindsight allowing the Chinese printers to ‘Google’ Churchill and then use the first image the search threw up was not the best idea.
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Reduced prison privileges sees Chris Huhne appeal for early release and a return to Westminster

Chris Huhne seeks return to public 'funded' life

Chris Huhne seeks return to public ‘funded’ life

Chris Grayling has announced reforms to prison privalidges that will see prisoners having to earn the right to Sky TV, full access to their money, and viewig DVDs rates 18.

This has seen disgraced ex-MP Chris Huhne appeal for early release to try and become a parliamentarian again.

“Being here is like being a member of parliament” Mr Huhne told us in his new found truthful manner.

“Accommodation, Sky subscription and free porn all funded by the tax payer make things quite pleasant and homely. But now we may have to actually work for those rights, I have no other option than to return Westminster.”
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Replica Stonehenge to be built using ‘authentic Welsh slaves’.

Stonehenge wastelandA local religious group, the Druids of Harold, have embarked on a project to bring some mystical culture to the village with a life-sized replica of Stonehenge. The replica will be made with the same rock as the original, which will be dug up in Pembrokeshire and will be transported by the same means using forced Welsh slavery.

The rocks, which will weigh around 25 tons each, will be taken over water along the south coast of Wales and then up the river Avon. They will then rolled on top of tree trunks on the road, going on the M4 southbound, clockwise around the M25, then north on the M1, before coming off at Dunstable and onward to Harold.
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Filed under Culture, News

New track encourages jockeys to get on their high-horse

You can lead a horse to munchies...

You can lead a horse to munchies…

A new racecourse has been announced by a local council looking to take advantage of the recent trend in drugged up horses. The new type of racing will see the animals ‘under the influence’ competing to get to the finish line, where they will be rewarded with some ‘munchies’.

“Most races will be over a mile, but the track will be the widest in the country, allowing the horses to stagger from side to side” Joan Smith, head of ‘The Joan Smith’s Grand National’ project told us. “To ensure sure that all is fair, the jockeys will also be required to be high before taking their charge, which leaves the door open for an early return for Frankie Dettori”
The final 3 Furlongs here…

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Filed under News, Sport

Bus stop gets a ‘blue plaque’ to celebrate its conception rates

Despite the rumours, the plaque was stuck on with glue

Despite the rumours, the plaque was stuck on with glue

A local bus stop has been given the honour of receiving a blue plaque in recognition of its contribution to successful conception rates in the village.

It is believed that over half of the residents of Harold have been conceived in the bus stop, and as a quick look in the adjacent litter bin will testify many more have had practice sessions.

The plaques, which are seen up and down the country, are used to denote buildings of significant importance. The shelter will be the first rural bus stop to receive the honour .
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Theresa May backs down over Jordan’s assurances

Human rights would be abused if he was sent to Jordan's

Human rights would be abused if he was sent to Jordan’s

Theresa May has had to perform another government u-turn over the planned deportation of Abu Qatada. Following the announcement that there were fresh assurances over his treatment by Jordan, she has since had to admit that Katie Price was not in the best position to judge such things.

“I tried to get some reassurances from the country but turned up to the meeting a day late so I asked Ms Price. She said that his safety would be guaranteed with her, as long as he was willing to make a television show about it.”
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Filed under News, Politics

Alton Towers unveil new ‘Coalition Coaster’

This section represents a Lib Dem promise

This section represents a Lib Dem promise

Alton Towers have today unveiled the latest thrill ride in their collection. The ‘Coalition Roller Coaster’ has been launched as the theme park’s most ambitious ride yet with many twists and turns, all representative of the ‘journey’ the coalition government has taken.

The ride was designed by John Wardley, who is responsible for many successful rides at the theme park, including the famous Nemesis, and he explained to us the ideas behind the ride.

“Originally the ride was to start as two separate trains, one yellow, one blue, that join together on the way up to the start. As soon as they are fully linked the ride starts with a stomach churning free-fall drop. To add to the feeling of queasiness there were going to be pictures of Cameron and Clegg smiling together in the garden at number 10. This drop would have increased the speed launching you straight into a sudden u-turn which we call ‘tuition fee turn’.”
Enjoy the rest of the ride here…

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Royal College of Administrators complain members ‘drowning in nursing’

Stethoscope-2 copyThe Royal College of Administrators has come out to today and asked for a review into the amount of nursing its members are currently having to perform.

Off its 1.2 million NHS workers surveyed, 67.4% said they spend up to 22 hours a week giving basic first aid, post-operative care, and working in triage

Most of those surveyed also believe the amount of nursing they are expected to do is increasing and stopping them providing a decent level of administrative support.

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Evil dictatorship welcomed by Bahrain

f1 copyThere has been protests throughout Bahrain this week at the decision to allow a fierce and brutal dictatorship come and stage a race in the country. The FIA, Formula 1’s governing body, has been accused of ruling with an iron fist to create an environment of fear up and down the paddock.

The ruling parties main opposition, the Formula One Teams Association (FOTA), have been involved in a long battle to try to install democracy into the sport, but have suffered casualties along the way, with Eddie Jordan now being ritually humiliated on television as punishment for past signs of dissent.

Click here to get to the finishing line…

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Filed under International News, News, Politics, Sport

Church of England missed off ‘best places to work’ top 100 for 12th year running

Church of England regret ordering this year's signs in 2012

Despite appearing on billboards, church claims it isn’t a sign

The Church of England has attacked the Sunday Times for not including the organization in ‘The best companies to work for’ list. Having been overlooked every year since the list began in 2001, they feel it’s about time they were recognised for the huge leaps forward made in Human Resources since splitting from the Roman Catholic Church, nearly 500 years ago.

“A job for life, free uniform, accommodation, and a great retirement home called Heaven, for God’s sake. Tell me who else gets those kind of benefits”, the Archbishop of Canterbury said angrily from company accommodation, Lambeth Palace.

“We have welcomed women, sort of, homosexuals, in a way, and we view them as nearly equal. The only downside to the job is that we have to work Sundays, but we’re even looking to stop that”.
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Anti-Thatcher protesters get their own ‘red button’ coverage

Interactive protest only on the BBC

Interactive protest only on the BBC

With arguments raging over the impartiality of the BBC since the death of Baroness Thatcher, ‘Auntie’ has decided to make the coverage of the funeral interactive, with a protest ‘red button’ feature.

Those who hold fond views of Thatcher will still get the favourable coverage on the main BBC1 channel. However those looking to show their dislike for her can protest from the comfort of their own home.

“Pressing the red button will give you access to ‘protest cam’”, BBC1 controller Danny Cohen told reporters. “This is a dedicated view from the service, but facing the other way. We can guarantee you can sit through over three hours of coverage, without seeing a bloody thing.” Continue reading

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Entrepreneur takes Nestlé’s lead with plans to bottle air

Atmos-fear. Made by nature, bottled in Harold

Atmos-fear. Made by nature, bottled in Harold

With the revelation by the Nestlé chairman, Peter Brabeck, that the world’s problems could be solved by the privatisation of water, a local bottled gas company has announced their plans to bottle all of the breathable air and sell it back to the residents of the world for a small profit.

“With air being a natural resource, like water, coal and oil, one day it will become sparse” the entrepreneur, Fred Dilby told us. “but if we can control it in the very best spirit of capitalism, then one day the village of Harold could become as powerful as Russia”.
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Filed under International News, News, Politics

Admin error sees murder rates soar

speed copyMurder rates in the village of Harold have risen dramatically over the last 3 weeks following an admin error on a speed awareness sign. The sign, which was ordered by a now sacked JSA claimant, tells drivers to ‘kill a child, not your speed’, but a reduction in funding means it would now be too expensive to replace.

Recent local government cuts has meant replacing the sign is out of the question. The local council have tried to use Tip-ex to amend the sign to read ‘kill your speed, not a child’, but have found parents too eager to scratch it off.

Councillor Ronsson, ex-father of three, explained the difficulties the council were having. “The people of Harold are a very moral bunch, so when they see Tip-ex on a sign they immediately clear the graffiti off. Unfortunately they respect authority as well, so did exactly what the sign says, some a little too keenly.”
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Filed under Around Harold, News, Politics

Radio 1 defend the right to play Justin Bieber

Warning; This boy may harm you and others around you.

Warning; This boy may harm you and others around you.

BBC Radio 1 have today had to deny claims they are being cruel and insensitive, and refused to back down from a decision to play the music of Justin Bieber. The move comes as people who remember the 1980’s and early 1990’s mourn the death of decent music.

The BBC in defending their position have told us they ‘have a duty to play the music people are buying, even if those people are under the age of 16 and have no idea what they are talking about.’

However, not everyone has been critical of the BBC. Sally Moody from the ‘OMG Justin Bieber, We Love You’ fan club told us “the BBC should play Justin all day ‘cos he is lush. Continue reading

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Filed under Crime, Lifestyle, News, Politics

Bank ups security as ramblers allowed to use ‘ancient pathway’ through vault

Bank claims 'They're walking all over us'

Bank claims ‘They’re walking all over us’

Local walkers have won a landmark case today and restored the right to use an ancient pathway. The route, which probably dates back to Roman times, goes from the high street, into the bank, through its vault and back out into the countryside, cutting out the need to walk around the building.

The ‘Rambling Association of Harold (RAH) – not to be mistaken for Rambler’s Anonymous, who meet every week to talk each other to death whilst wearing masks – has welcomed the decision. Doug Walker, the Head of RAH told us “this ruling is the biggest victory for ramblers since vehicles were banned from Harold’s by-pass.”
Want more? Walk this way…

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Filed under Around Harold, Lifestyle, News

Village split over Holy Jesus ‘space rock’

Fingers where added at a later date

Fingers were added at a later date

A debate between religious leaders and scientists has broken out today over the validity over a piece of space rock that appears to show the face of Jesus. Henry Slater, a leading scientist from the village, has been studying the rock closely over the past two weeks.

“The specimen is believed to have come from the ‘Terra Viam Horti’ part of the Milky Way and has hurtled millions of light years across the galaxy to land in Harold (near Dunstable), but to have travelled all that way to earth could only be down to some divine intervention” Mr Slater explained.

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Filed under Around Harold, News, Politics, science

Plans for futuristic electric car promising ‘infinite range’ go flat

1979 Mini-metro is at the forefront of modern motoring

1979 Mini-metro is at the forefront of modern motoring

A pair of keen environmentalists, who locked themselves in a shed for 12 years promising not to come out until they had developed a long range electric car, have finally unveiled their adapted 1979 Mini-Metro.

“The exciting thing about this car is that the range is pretty much infinite” John Goody, one of the pair explained. “The only thing that restricts the distance is your imagination, and the length of the extension cable you use.

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Filed under Around Harold, Lifestyle, News