Tag Archives: protest

New Pepsi ad to feature Ken Livingstone

“This reminds me of a story about Hitler”

Following widespread condemnation of its controversial new advert, Pepsi has bowed to pressure and replaced the ad with one featuring Ken Livingstone.

The cancelled ad featured Kendall Jenner at a protest, and offended many by suggesting that the problem of police brutality could be solved by attractive models waving cans of fizzy drink.

The video has been removed from YouTube and in a statement, the company said: “Pepsi was trying to project a global a message of unity, peace and understanding.”

“Clearly, we missed the mark, and that’s why we’re going to replace it with two minutes of Ken Livingstone talking about Hitler.”

“He’s going to imply that Germany’s Jews and Hitler were on the same side in the 30s, while sipping a refreshing ice-cold Pepsi Max.”

“You can’t get much more unity, peace and understanding than Ken Livingstone, and for payment all he wanted was a WWII German infantry helmet filled with newts.”

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Baltimore residents take to the streets to celebrate Kate’s labour

imageResidents in Baltimore have been out in force celebrating the Duchess of Cambridge’s admission into Hospital.

“Nothing brings an oppressed community together like the impending birth of an over privileged white child” one protester said.
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Filed under News, Politics, Royals

Police deploy paradoxical kettle as students arrested for protesting about students being arrested at a protest against the arrest of students

This protester was told he would be released as soon as he left the area

This protester was told he would be released as soon as he left the area

Students protesting at the University of London have accused police of kettling them in a logical paradox as a number of students were beaten up and arrested for protesting about students being beaten up and arrested at a protest to highlight the plight of students being beaten up and arrested.

The police tactic of paradoxical kettling has been criticised before. The last time came during student protests opposing tuition fee rises.

On that occasion protesters were subject to paradoxical kettling for not dispersing despite being kettled for non-dispersal from a kettle.

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Filed under Crime, Education, Law and Order, News, Politics

Evil dictatorship welcomed by Bahrain

f1 copyThere has been protests throughout Bahrain this week at the decision to allow a fierce and brutal dictatorship come and stage a race in the country. The FIA, Formula 1’s governing body, has been accused of ruling with an iron fist to create an environment of fear up and down the paddock.

The ruling parties main opposition, the Formula One Teams Association (FOTA), have been involved in a long battle to try to install democracy into the sport, but have suffered casualties along the way, with Eddie Jordan now being ritually humiliated on television as punishment for past signs of dissent.

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