Tag Archives: Felching

New Pool Users Left ‘Bummed Out’.

Is it a chocolate log?

Is it a chocolate log?

The gala opening of Dunstable’s new multi-million pound swimming and leisure complex hit a bum note yesterday, after a patron took ‘bombing the pool’ literally.

Just moments after the official opening ceremony, and within minutes of the great and good of Dunstable, Harold and Felching taking the plunge into the state-of-the-art pool, local school children, politicians and selected villagers were evacuated after an evacuation of an altogether different kind.

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Filed under Around Harold, News

Tourette’s Convention ends in chaos after outbreak of pleasantries

Gordon RamsayThe inaugural Gordon Ramsay International Tourette’s Convention in Harold came to a premature end when the lunch descended into chaos after an outbreak of pleasantries.

Convention organiser Mike Hunt said it was bl**dy disappointing that convention delegates would behave like f**king 40 year olds. “You’d think in this f**king day and age that people could resolve their f**king differences without resorting to polite language and pleasantries.”

The trouble started after Gordon Ramsay hosted a lively pre-lunch panel debate over whether “feck” was a swear word. “Things were going perfectly f**king vitriolicly” cursed Mr Hunt. “There were the usual ripostes – one side said ‘of course feck is a fecking swear work’ while the other side replied ‘no it is f**king not’.”
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Filed under Around Harold, Culture, Felching Bumsquats, science

Bus stop gets a ‘blue plaque’ to celebrate its conception rates

Despite the rumours, the plaque was stuck on with glue

Despite the rumours, the plaque was stuck on with glue

A local bus stop has been given the honour of receiving a blue plaque in recognition of its contribution to successful conception rates in the village.

It is believed that over half of the residents of Harold have been conceived in the bus stop, and as a quick look in the adjacent litter bin will testify many more have had practice sessions.

The plaques, which are seen up and down the country, are used to denote buildings of significant importance. The shelter will be the first rural bus stop to receive the honour .
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Doctor Beeching’s Axe found under railway siding

Vikki the Viking

Vikki, 19, with the axe

Building work on a new development of twelve badly-needed speculator starter homes was brought to a halt yesterday after an ancient axe was found at the site of the old West Station in the village of Harold.

Contractors initially thought they had made a find to match the discovery of Richard III’s skeleton under a Leicester car park and called in archaeologists, but the find was found to date back only 50 years to when the infamous Dr Beeching was putting the finishing touches to his destruction of Britain’s railway branch lines.

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Filed under Around Harold, Education, Lifestyle, News