Category Archives: Culture

‘Plain English’ award for landowner’s anti-trespass signs

gate sign

Sign praised for its ‘terse efficiency’.

A landowner in Harold has been praised by the Campaign for Clear English, after erecting signs everyone can understand.

Instead of the legally complex, four-syllable ‘no trespassing’ missive, Sir Reginald Benn-Hooper CBE has instead decided to tell ramblers to ‘f**k off’.

“It’s refreshing to see such a frank approach to language”, said Lyn Sharp of the word charity. “Even if English isn’t your first tongue, this will let you know where you stand. Or rather where you shouldn’t stand. We’ll be OK here, won’t we? I don’t think he’ll try and shoot at us again.”

Lyn Sharp explained that the sign was a ‘triumph of succinicity’, describing it as ‘terse’, ‘efficient’ and ‘darkly threatening’.

“It’s not so much what it says directly, but the subtle subtext”, she went on. “These two simple words let you know that not only is the land private, but that it’s owned by someone  aloof, someone privileged. Someone prepared to risk manslaughter to keep the plebs out of Benn-Hooper Spires.”

Sharp also praised the full stop, which is unusual for a sign post. “It’s a terrific way to finish, and it emphasises that the writer isn’t about to enter into a discussion. It’s the sort of finality you’d only normally expect to find on the top of an i. Or a j. I think that’s right, remind me to look it up when I get back to the office.”

Sir Reginald accepted the prestigious award by fax, after refusing to allow us to deliver it by hand. His acceptance speech was refreshingly brief.

“Are you c*nts still out there? I thought I’d already told you to f**k off. Much like my surname, this thing’s got two barrels, you know.”

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Filed under Around Harold, Culture, environment

Joanna Lumley reveals plan for jungle motorway, jelly airport and unicorn lanes

potato bridge

There, that’s London fixed.

Joanna Lumley’s new ‘garden bridge’ is just the first step in making London less awful, she has revealed.

Now her influence over politicians has reached its full potential, Lumley has vowed to complete her vision of a Utopia based on children’s books and the dreams she has after eating cheese.

Using a mixture of feminine guile, important connections and a powerful mind-control gas, Lumley disclosed that the entire UK cabinet was effectively under her control.
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Filed under Business, Culture, environment

Black Friday chaos continues with passive / aggressive jibe in aisle 3 of local Waitrose

waitrosePolice were nearly called to the Harpenden Waitrose after a conversation between two customers over who should have the last jar of sacla organic pesto ended with a passive / aggressive jibe.

“The debate seemed civilised at first, with what seemed like routine pleasantries”, said Waitrose assistant manager Julie Fleck.

“But then the slightly older lady took the jar and said ‘it goes with your hair’ and then ‘you need it more than me’ as she placed it in the slightly younger lady’s trolley. The slightly older lady then marched off to aisle 4 and bought 10 blocks of our most expensive cheeses.”
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Filed under Around Harold, Culture

Village’s ‘Christmas World of Poo’ attraction closes after ten minutes


The smell of Christmas

A Christmas attraction designed by Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen has closed down after only ten minutes following a flood of complaints.

Visitors to The Magical World of Poo near the village of Harold said it was far from magical, with piles of excrement everywhere and Father Christmas handing out cheap shiny toilet paper “like they used to have at school”.

The few paying customers before the site’s hasty closure in a police raid said their children had been left in tears. One said it “ruined the magic of Christmas”.

“We were so excited about the World of Poo, the kids have been hopping up and down all week,” said an unhappy visitor.

“But we got here, and, well, not to put too fine a point on it, it was full of poo!” he complained. “I could have knocked that out in my back garden, if I wasn’t constipated.”

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Filed under Around Harold, Christmas, Culture, Lifestyle

Film Review: The Imitation Game – the tale of a war hero who is buggered by the State

the_imitation_game-33306If a man whose work shortened the war by two years was destroyed by the state for being gay; who knows what they would have done back in the 1950s to Graham Norton for presenting insipid chat shows.

This World War II movie is a story of the relationship between eccentric mathematical genius, Alan Turing played annoyingly well by Benedict Cumberbatch, and his one true love Christopher, the machine that he created to crack the Nazi enigma codes at the top-secret Bletchley Park.

To break the monotony of frustrated ex-public schoolboys, an alluring Keira Knightley is introduced as a brilliant crossword solver, however it turns out that the gay Turing is not for turning. In a touching scene towards the end of the film, Turing declares his devotion to the whirring Christopher leaving Keira to seek a boffin elsewhere. Continue reading

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Filed under Culture, Showbusiness

Dermot O’Leary: ‘My Lego Man shame’


O’Leary: blandness can be hard to notice.

X-Factor presenter Dermot O’Leary has admitted he is entirely made from Lego.

Persistent rumours on social media have hinted that O’Leary doesn’t have working elbows, and is only capable of one expression.

But while the TV star revealed he was injection-moulded in a factory in Denmark, he insisted he is still ‘perfectly suited’ to hosting ITV’s top show.

“Everybody loves me because I’m so bland and unthreatening”, suggest O’Leary. “And I’m non-toxic, as well as reasonably poseable.”

“You can bend my little legs up and pop me on almost any vehicle you can think of, the only limit is your imagination”, he said. “But if you haven’t got an imagination, you can still put me on X-Factor. I’m perfect for it, because I make the acts and the judges seem more real.”

O’Leary told the press he has been secretly made from Lego for a number of years. At his lowest point, he found himself swapping his head with a Duplo horse, and pretending he was Clare Balding.

“It’s nice to have the truth out there at last”, smiled O’Leary, while holding a big microphone just yards from his face.

“People often suspect celebrities to get up to all sorts when they’re off-camera. But not me! They just take my hair off, and put me in a box.”

However, O’Leary also claimed he wasn’t entirely bland an unthreatening, and he’d been given a warning in the past. “I’ve still got it here, I keep it to remind me. It says ‘Choking hazard, not suitable for 0-3 years’.”

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Filed under Culture, Entertainment

Geldof concerned after thirty years Africa still doesn’t know it’s Christmas time

IMG_0495.JPG Bob Geldof has announced that there is to be a fourth incarnation of Band Aid to highlight the 30th anniversary of Africans not knowing it’s Christmas.

“You would have thought they’d have got the message by now,” Geldof said, “but after millions of pounds, four songs, countless concerts and 30 years of Celebrities desperately trying to raise their profile, they still spend the 25th December walking 8 miles to get water instead of watching the Queen’s Christmas message.”

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Filed under charity, Culture

Sir Richard Branson giving away unwanted space ticket to anyone with the name Sir Richard Branson

jordan axani bransonFollowing in the footsteps of Jordan Axani, the Canadian man who is giving away his ex-girlfriend’s round-the-world plane ticket to anyone sharing her name, Sir Richard Branson has announced he is giving away his ticket on the first Virgin Galactic space flight to anyone called Sir Richard Branson.

His decision to give away the ticket comes days after his relationship with space travel hit a rocky patch for what he calls “self-preservation reasons”.

“I love the thought of being one of the first people to travel on a commercial space flight, but the more I think about it the more I realise I love myself more” the bearded knight explained.

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Filed under Culture, News

George R R Martin announces he’ll write entire next Game of Thrones book in National Novel Writing Month


Let’s see, “Chapter One”

Game of Thrones author George R R Martin announced today that the long-awaited next novel in the series will be available much earlier than anticipated, as he is going to write the whole thing during National Novel Writing Month this November.

This marks something of a change in writing style for Martin, given that he usually takes up to ten years to complete a novel.

When asked to explain his reasons for upping the pace so dramatically, Martin confessed that after several years of pretending, he has still not actually written a word of the next book, and sees ‘NaNoWriMo’ as his last chance.

“I can’t cope with all the lies anymore,” he confessed. “I’ve been doing all these interviews saying how well it’s going and let me finish at my own pace – haven’t written a bloody word. This novel writing month gives me a chance to catch up. Big month, bang it out, bish bash bosh.” Continue reading

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Filed under Culture

Clarkson in trouble over ketchup tweet


He doesn’t look like he’s enjoying that.

Jeremy Clarkson became embroiled in yet more pointless anger yesterday after tweeting about putting ketchup on a bacon sandwich.

Professional distraction Clarkson caused outrage amongst opinionated breakfast fans, after tweeting “I am eating breakfast. It is a bacon sandwich. I have put tomato ketchup in it.”

“He really is a monster”, responded one self-titled meat-and-bread specialist. “It’s ‘red for sausage, brown for bacon’: that’s the law.”

“Tweeting about ketchup and bacon in this way is childish and provocative. Who knows how many idiots out there will now try and copy him?”
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Filed under Culture, Motoring, News

5 tips for peeing in the shower

A University has asked students to pee in the shower in the morning to help save water by not having to flush the toilet.

We are fully behind the plan, and that’s why we bring you these five things to remember when peeing in the shower.

  1. When peeing in the shower, it is only polite you ask the person using it first.
  2. Peeing in the shower will save water by not having to flush, but that excuse won’t stop you being banned from the local swimming baths, so best stick to the one at home.
  3. In shared accommodation it may not be possible to wait until you get your turn in the shower, so you can use the alternatives. It is also perfectly acceptable to use the sink, the bath, or the dishwasher. Urine is a great steriliser.
  4. Should peeing in the shower lead to something more substantial and brown, don’t try and push it through the plug hole like a play-doh toy. Use the opportunity to do some recycling, repackaging your poo in a Lush bag and pretending it’s a bath bomb gift for your roommate.
  5. As we have already established, peeing during a shower is perfectly acceptable, but if the rain stops, so must you. On the same subject, and following Eddie’s arrest we must remind you, an umbrella isn’t a target.

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Filed under Culture

Nation divided over who is disliked more as John Humphrys interviews Johny Rotten

This isn't going to gowell

“Don’t be a pr*ck all your life John”

Radio 4 listeners were left confused this morning about who they disliked more, after BBC’s chief-hectorer John Humphrys interviewed famously loud-mouthed former Sex Pistols ‘singer’ John Lydon (aka Johny Rotten).

St Mary’s Teaching assistant Carly Jeffery spoke for many in Harold today.

“I try to listen to the ‘Today’ programme, especially if John Humphrys is on. His wonderfully sneering voice gets me proper fired up for the school day. When I heard that oaf John Lydon was going to be on, I knew it’d be lively and phoned in sick so I wouldn’t miss it. You won’t print any of this stuff will you?”

As anticipated, the interview was heavily edited before transmission but the Evening Harold has seen a small section of the transcript. Continue reading

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Filed under Culture, Entertainment, News, Uncategorized

All 150,000 Glastonbury tickets ‘bought by BBC’

timthumbExecutives at the BBC are promising the ‘best Glasto ever’ after securing the purchase of every single one of the available tickets.

While last year’s event was marred by the attendance of several mundane people and an accountant wearing a cardigan, 2015’s audience is guaranteed to only feature ‘creatives’.
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Filed under Culture

Theresa May’s crackdown on poisonous organisations won’t include Daily Mail

Home Secretary outlines her get-tough policy for most people “Then, if I think they look a bit iffy, I grab them by the balls…”

New anti-extremist measures announced yesterday, targeting people and groups who “stay just within the law but spread poisonous hatred”, were described as draconian by some who might fall foul of legislation: Peter Hitchens, Richard Littlejohn, Melanie Phillips and Paul Dacre.

Although a future Conservative government would ban most extremist groups, hurried negotiations yesterday afternoon with Daily Mail owner Lord Rothermere mean the self-styled ‘newspaper’ will be exempt, due to its “unique contribution” to the cultural life of the country.

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‘Bootcamp’ exercise class accidentally sent to fight ISIS

IMG_2960-0.JPGA group of fitness fans are rueing not reading the small print, after signing up for an exercise ‘bootcamp’.

While some had been prepared appear in lycra on Facebook, few were quite so ready to completely replace the British armed forces.

Bootcamps can involve incredible hardships, such as jogging in parks or doing press-ups near dog shit.

“We’d just watched a warm-up video about star jumps”, revealed Jean Evans of Harold, “and then we all did a stretch and practiced our puffing.

“But then a bald, red-faced man with a ‘tache started shouting quite mean things about Jean’s bingo wings, and made us strip down an SA80 assault rifle while pelting us with peanuts.”

Evans and her friends Glenda and Wincie can’t recall exactly what happened next, but felt they were unprepared to defend an entire village of Kurds.

“It’s freezing at night and we’ve got terrible equipment”, complained Evans. “My iPhone’s gone flat and the top on my water bottle is threaded. I signed up for ‘bums and tums’, not ‘bombs and Tornadoes’. The government keeps talking about boots on the ground, but so far they haven’t mentioned trainers.”

Defence secretary Michael Fallon has pledged to return the group to the UK, just as soon as the Iraqi army has been trained well enough to replace them. “On the plus side, I’ve lost just over three pounds so far”, declared Evans. “So I think I’ll give it another week.”

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Filed under Culture, International News

Obama threatens air strikes against European Ryder Cup team, starting new Golf War

Continuing with his mission to rid the world of all threats to the United States of America, President Obama has said he is to launch air attacks on the European Ryder Cup team.

“There is a clear threat to the US in the golf,” Obama said in a speech to the US Congress. “A red line has been crossed and now we must act now stop more American citizens being humiliated overseas.”

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Filed under Culture, Sport

Harold’s Police and Crime Commissioner to be used as a traffic cone

Following electoral turnouts of less than 15%, controversy following some of those that have taken the role, and a recent public meeting attracting just one person, the role of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) had been brought into question.

However the residents of Harold have taken the lead and decided to use theirs as a traffic cone.

“Many people have asked me what he does,” PC Flegg told us. “I asked the PCC himself and after a 45 minute explanation I still have absolutely no idea.
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Filed under Crime, Culture

Simon Cowell rejects devolved ‘moron votes for moron-only issues’ system

Pop mogul Simon Cowell has rejected calls to change the voting system for the X-Factor. Under the changes, that will see voting devolved based on intellectual groups, only morons will be able to vote on issues that affect morons meaning only viewers with an IQ under 76 will be eligible to vote contestants off his show.

“This will lead to the end of the X-Factor,” Mr Cowell said worriedly, the first time those words have not been uttered in a celebratory way.

“If we are relying on those whose IQs match the contestants, then we are setting ourselves up for a lot of phones broken as they try to dial the numbers with their fists and foreheads, and not many lucrative votes.

“We had trialled a postal voting system but that failed when those morons taking part either posted their phones or stuck their eyelids together with stamps.”

David Cameron held a meeting of top Tories to discuss bringing in the intellectually devolved X-Factor voting system in at the same time as granting Scotland greater powers, a move some believe could be dangerous.

One commentator explained: “the biggest fear is that the average Tory voter fits into the IQ limit proposed. If they can vote Cameron into Number 10 just imagine what shit they could get to Christmas Number 1.”

However, unlike the English vote for English issues idea Ed Miliband has told the Labour conference he welcomed the proposals.

“I always said that even at the top of the political system I would never forget my roots,” he told delegate.

“If it wasn’t for morons voting for a moron, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”

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Filed under Culture, Independence referendum, News, Politics

Minutes after acquiring Minecraft, Microsoft release their first ‘paper clip mod’.

Following their takeover of the computer games firm Mojang, the makers of the popular game Minecraft, Microsoft have quickly started with the branding of the game by releasing their first mod, a helpful paper clip.

“We realised as soon as we took control of Minecraft that the help section was missing a little something,” Satya Nadella, the tech giant’s chief executive said.

“So we have brought back everyone favourite little unwanted helper from the 90s. It will use it’s old slap-dash approach to figure out what you might be doing and then offer you help with something completely different. It will keep the game interesting if anything.”
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Filed under Culture

Dr Who’s return unable to prevent rise in terrorist threat level

Despite his return last Saturday, Dr Who has been unable to prevent the terror level in the UK rising from ‘substantial’ to ‘severe’.

Home Secretary Theresa May said: “Early indications show the decision to replace the previous Dr with an older model for his latest attempts to save the world hasn’t dampened al-Qaeda’s willingness to harm the UK.

“They have also cottoned on to the fact that as modern day terrorists, they are low down on the time lord’s watch list behind statues, Daleks, Cybermen, and killer droids.”

The ‘severe’ threat level is the fourth highest of five. Any further risk may see the risk rise to an unprecedented ‘quick, to the Tardis, it’s first come first served’ level.

The new rating means that an attack from human-based baddies is ‘highly likely’, but a spokeswoman for the Dr said that is not really ‘his thing’.

“Dr Who, no matter which incarnation, has never really been into local earth terrorists instead preferring to deal with the more space, time and sci-fi type,” Clara Oswald explained.

“Some people think this is a little selfish seeing as religious fundamentalists are this country’s biggest threat. But you’d choose the same if your travelling options are between the Tardis to a far away planet or parallel universe or an Easyjet flight to Baghdad.”

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Filed under Culture, International News, Lifestyle, News