Harold’s Police and Crime Commissioner to be used as a traffic cone

Following electoral turnouts of less than 15%, controversy following some of those that have taken the role, and a recent public meeting attracting just one person, the role of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) had been brought into question.

However the residents of Harold have taken the lead and decided to use theirs as a traffic cone.

“Many people have asked me what he does,” PC Flegg told us. “I asked the PCC himself and after a 45 minute explanation I still have absolutely no idea.

“So as a force, we all agreed to stick him in the back of the traffic car and start using him as a traffic cone.”

The move has seen the publicly funded £70,000+ a year role giving something back to the community, and despite being the most expensive traffic cone in history, gives the public an opportunity to see their PCC at work.

“My first job was to close a road following the collision of two mobility scooters,” Harold PCC Dave Dolittle explained.

“Then I was given the chance to work with the roads policing unit, reserving a space outside the Squirrel Lickers Arms for PC Flegg for lunchtime, and then sample the kind of disorder that can happen at night from the vantage point on top of a phone box.

“That was fun, but being stuck up there for three weeks was maybe a bit excessive.”

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