Tag Archives: Katie Hopkins

Anguish for tragic Daily Mail readers as it suddenly advocates tolerance

“My brain hurts.” –  a proud DM reader

The massed ranks of the Daily Mail’s flog ’em, hang ’em and have a wank over the glories of the British Empire crowd are suffused with heartache and confusion as it continues to masquerade as a slightly less hateful rag for the second day running. Continue reading

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Jack the bigot-slayer chops down giant arsehole’s beanstalk

Jack Monroe, respecter of war memorials

The Land of Make Believe is awash with that Friday feeling this afternoon as everyone grins themselves stupid over the news that plucky Jack Munroe has taken on an evil giant and won.

The giant, who lives way up in the sky in a nasty castle built by Lord Rothermere, is in the habit of flinging shit randomly down onto the unwary, especially if they happen to have brown skin or compassion for their fellow human beings. Today the giant has been given a hefty slap in the pie which is as pleasing as the one it received in December of last year when it was successfully sued for accusing a Muslim family of having links to extremists. Continue reading

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Katie Hopkins condemns Mein Kampf as ‘an amateur work of hatred’

Katie HopkinsDespite the first edition of Mein Kampf in 70 years selling out instantly, an unimpressed Katie Hopkins condemned it as ‘derivative’ and ‘an amateur work of hatred’.

“Hitler was a one trick pony – anti-semitism was rife in Europe for 1000 years so it was hardly cutting edged hatred” spat Hopkins, who hates Muslims, fat people, fat Muslims, women, fat Muslim women, gingers, fat gingers, refugees, thin refugees, the disabled, unemployed people, fat ginger unemployed people, and Lily Allen.
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Katie Hopkins outraged by Donald Trump’s ‘respected columnist’ slur

Do I look like a 'respected columnist?'

Do I look like a ‘respected columnist?’

Katie Hopkins is furious Donald Trump called her a ‘respected columnist’ instead of her proper title ‘Queen of intolerant bile’.

Hopkins, who hates everyone, said ‘respected columnist’ made it sound like she writes for the Times, or worse still, the Guardian.

“I don’t ‘write’, I spit out bile into a receptacle known as the Daily Mail”, frothed Hopkins.
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African people: a pictorial guide

What Katie Hopkins thinks they are:









What Nigel Farage thinks they are: Continue reading

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Jeremy Clarkson and Katie Hopkins: which one is the other in drag?




He’s a git who has a column in the Murdoch press and found fame on the BBC and she’s a git who has a column in the Murdoch press and found fame on the BBC. Inescapable will-have-controversial-opinions-for-food mongers Katie Hopkins and Jeremy Clarkson have never been seen together causing many to wonder if they’re actually the same person. Continue reading

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Filed under News, Showbusiness

Campaign for Celebrity Big Brother to last forever continues to grow

celebrity-big-brother-2015-housematesHundreds of thousands of people a day are signing the online petition for Celebrity Big Brother to last without evictions until the wolf eats the sun.

Campaign organiser and Harold resident Jane Hough says that she is pleased but not surprised by its success. Continue reading

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Filed under Entertainment

Eric Pickles writes to Katie Hopkins’ family calling on them to help combat extremism


Should this wide-eyed fanatic be tolerated?

Eric Pickles has made a personal written plea to individual members of the Hopkins family asking them to stand with the rest of the UK in defeating hatred while one member of their clan continues to run amok.

“We know that acts of headline grabbing and offence are not representative of the Hopkins family,” he wrote. “But we need to show what is.” Continue reading

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Filed under Entertainment, Politics, Religion

Channel 5 admit Celebrity Big Brother ‘just a hoax’ to get Katie Hopkins off Twitter for 2 weeks

Hopkins listens intently for the sound of her own voice as she speaks out of her ar*e

Hopkins listens intently for the sound of her own voice as she speaks out of her ar*e

Channel 5 have admitted that this year’s Celebrity Big Brother is just a hoax to get Katie Hopkins out of the public eye for 2 weeks.

“We have no intention of televising this year’s programme,” a channel 5 spokesman said, “w Continue reading

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Filed under Culture

People still mistaking Katie Hopkins’ opinions for news

The latest fuss surrounding self-promoting rent-a-gob, Katie Hopkins, suggests that many people in the media and the public in general are still under the misguided impression that her contrived, deliberately controversial opinions are somehow newsworthy.

More than 38,000 people have signed a petition to have Hopkins banned from the media in the wake of her comments about Scotland, completely missing the point that in doing so they are giving her exactly the publicity she craves. Continue reading

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