Tag Archives: beach

Veteran who escaped to Normandy vows ‘to press on to Berlin’

normandy beach

Lest we remember: veteran hopes EU will stand up to oppression of the vulnerable

A veteran who escaped a care home to find liberation in France has vowed not to rest until he reaches Berlin.

Reginald Evans, 91, tunnelled out of the care home and dodged guard towers around the perimeter.

Using false papers that showed he was a 27 year-old brunette from Harold, Evans won a job as a ferry captain and made his way to the continent.
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Filed under Around Harold, Transport, War

Injunction prevents Daily Mail publishing saucy beach shots of Eric Pickles

Being a responsible news organ we can't publish 'The Photo' but this should give you the general idea.

Being a responsible news organ we can’t publish ‘The Photos’ but this should give you the general idea.

The nation breathed a collective sigh of relief when a court injunction was awarded yesterday preventing the Daily Mail’s from publishing a collection of photos of Communities Secretary, Eric Pickles, enjoying a relaxing beach holiday with his wife, Irene, ahead of this week’s Conservative Party Conference.

Alongside the banned photographs, the Mail had intended to publish a story commenting upon his ‘unbelievable body’ and ‘skimpy beach shorts’. Continue reading

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Filed under News, Politics

Feature: Six weeks to the perfect beach body


Throw away those razors, girls.

Harold’s own movie star, former Bond-girl Emilie Bourdain, has come out of semi-retirement to offer women a guide to the perfect beach body. A topic she knows all about having rocketed to fame as Claire Medea in the Bond film More Deadly Than The Male which starred Roger Moore as James Bond and saw them light up the screen together in the now iconic ‘naughty hazelnut’ scene which was filmed on Crescent Head beach, New South Wales, and resulted in Emilie Bourdain winning Pipe Smoker of the Year 1975. Continue reading

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