Tag Archives: expenses

Benefits ‘welfare card’ scheme to be extended to MPs’ expenses

New proposals to pay benefit claimants onto cards that limit what the money can be used for will also be rolled out to MP expenses.

The scheme will ensure the ‘scroungers’ don’t waste taxpayers’ money by ensuring it is only used to but the essentials, and not on lavish dinners, homes for their parents and duck houses.
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Hearts break for MP who says he can’t live on £300k a year

"Entitled, moi?"

“Entitled, moi?”

The Minister for Africa, Mark Simmonds, has resigned saying that he can’t live on his current income as it does not allow him to buy a family home in SW1. A state of affairs many are calling the saddest thing ever to happen since Dumbledore was killed. Continue reading


Filed under Politics

No.10 worried as Nigel Farage proves fitness for government by fiddling expenses


Or did he? Does this face say honesty and trust to you? We’re not sure.

There is consternation inside Number 10 today as Nigel Farage has finally proved his fitness to play a top flight role in British politics by fiddling his expenses (allegedly) and then adamantly denying that he’s done anything wrong. Continue reading


Filed under Politics

Lords confirm: ‘we’re all in this together’


‘Hurry up, I’ve got a lobbying company to meet in 40 minutes’.

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Ancient cave painting thought to be first example of MP’s expense claim


Fifteen years of research on cave paintings in Harold Gorge has come to the conclusion the markings are an early example of a cave-man parliamentarian’s expenses claim.

“The first few items indicated these drawings may have been a way for a cave-man to document the time he lived in” local historian, Sam Tully explained. “We are used to seeing images of predators and family.

“But we really got confused by the pictures of a chauffeur driven walrus and cart, badger fur rug, and detailed drawing of a moat being cleaned.”

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