Tag Archives: sleaze

Nigel Evans dropped by Tory party for not being involved in sleaze


Nigel Evans MP looks set to be dropped by the Conservatives for bringing the party into disrepute after being found not guilty of several sexual offences.

“We have a code of conduct in the party that MPs must follow,” Grant Shapps explained.

“That code makes it clear that sleaze allegations of sexual impropriety must be followed by a denial with their partner in front of their house, then an admission of guilt, a half-arsed apology and resignation in shame.
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Let’s talk about sex, Tories: disenchanted voters pine for good old-fashioned sleaze


The Conservative Party logo during the Major years

Disenchanted voters have been complaining about the lack of sex scandals within the current Tory party.

“It’s disappointing,” complained Harold support worker Mark Keen. “This lot are so into telling us all how to live and going on about family this and decent, honest people that that by now you’d’ve thought at least half of them would’ve been caught trousers down or skirt up in a petting zoo.”

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