Nigel Evans MP looks set to be dropped by the Conservatives for bringing the party into disrepute after being found not guilty of several sexual offences.
“We have a code of conduct in the party that MPs must follow,” Grant Shapps explained.
“That code makes it clear that sleaze allegations of sexual impropriety must be followed by a denial with their partner in front of their house, then an admission of guilt, a half-arsed apology and resignation in shame.
“To be found ‘not guilty’ is not acceptable. Many in the party think he should have committed these acts after the allegations were made for ‘old time’s sake’.”
Nigel Evans has said he is glad to have been acquitted of the awful allegations, but understands that as a Tory, he has a responsibility to do sleaze properly.
“I have had 11 months of hell,” Mr Evans said outside court. “Being accused of such crimes is bad, but does give you a certain amount of kudos among some backbench Thatcherites.
“Knowing I would be found not guilty left me feeling I had let my party down. I now hope to put this whole affair behind me and see if I can mend my reputation among the Conservative party.
“I’ll start by trying to claim the jury’s expenses for myself.”