Tag Archives: housing

Government to build 13,000 pre-flooded houses in lake


Some rising damp

Stung by criticism of its housing and flood relief policies, the government has announced plans to kill two birds with one stone by building 13,000 new homes at the bottom of a large lake.

Outlining the idea, Prime Minister David Cameron explained that although it seemed initially counter-intuitive, the scheme would bring huge benefits through reducing uncertainty and bringing a “consistent environment where householders can plan ahead with confidence, without constant need for government bail-out.”

“In this unpredictable climate, people have no idea what to expect,” he argued. “Dry one day, wet the next – it’s all over the place. What we’re offering is a lifestyle where people really know where they stand. At the bottom of a lake.” Continue reading

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Filed under floods, Housing

Tories deny new ghetto creation policy will create ghettos


David Cameron’s kids are growing up here…


…yours can grow up here.

David Cameron will today announce that the millions of people renting privately who have no chance of buying their own home can go **** themselves as the Tories plan on extending the right to buy and selling off 1.3 million housing association properties at a huge discount. Continue reading


Filed under Election 2015, Politics

Developers look to nature to solve London’s housing crisis with the ‘Escar-Go’

With London house prices getting beyond the reach of ordinary people, and affordable properties getting smaller and smaller, one developer has started putting a new range of properties on the market.

Modelled on a snail’s shell, the developer says their new ‘All-In-One Portable Studio Apartment’, named the Escar-Go, has everything a young aspiring professional could need and the homes fit in well with the environment, providing you spend the night in other people’s gardens.

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Filed under News, Society

‘Huge amounts of interest’ as Wonga.com enters the mortgage market

These three are keeping their chins up, after losing their house for missing a payment

These three are keeping their chins up, after losing their house for missing a payment

Internet payday lender Wonga.com has announced it is to expand into the mortgage market. The move comes as it becomes increasingly difficult for people to get a mortgage without at least a 25% deposit

“Banks are tightening their belts at moment and are very reluctant to lend to people who probably can’t pay them back” Errol Damelin, founder and CEO of Wonga told us. “That’s where we come in. We can offer almost anyone a mortgage all at our competitive APR of 4212%. What’s more is that we offer 100% mortgages so there is no need for a deposit. Mortgages are over 25 years so there is plenty of time for you pay off your mortgage, or to look at it another way, 300 monthly opportunities to miss payments and give us your house. All our customers need to provide us with is a proof of identification and a pulse, or failing that, a the nae of someone they know with a pulse”
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