Tag Archives: Benefits Street

BBC defends new show: ‘Famous, Rich and Sat Naked in a Puddle’


Before the financial crisis rain and puddles were fun.

The BBC have defended their new show Famous, Rich and Sat Naked in a Puddle against allegations that it is nothing more than poverty porn. Producer Richard McKerrow has denied that teaming celebrities with “naked losers” and filming them sitting together sans clothes in a puddle for seven days is in any way exploitative or demeaning. Continue reading

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Filed under Entertainment

Duncan Smith: I will free people trapped on benefits by forcing them into slavery


Maybe it’s harder than it seems: photo shows the result of Duncan Smith being asked to point to his arse and his elbow.

In a speech yesterday Iain Duncan Smith announced that benefit recipients who aren’t in employment will become slaves as part of the Tory party’s “historic mission…to give people from chaotic lives security through hard work. And the security that they will get is knowing that the hard work will never end.” Continue reading

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Filed under News, Politics

Channel 4 faces viewer backlash over benefits documentary ‘Downing Street’


At least the residents of Downing Street, whom many viewers have dubbed scum, are kept locked away from the rest of us.

Channel 4 is facing a viewer backlash over its documentary on benefits simply titled ‘Downing Street’. During the show residents of the eponymous street are seen allowing the UK to become the world’s number one haven for dodgy accounting and tax evasion which costs the economy billions a year and saying that in this time of austerity we’re all in this together while they themselves claim tens of thousands of pounds of taxpayers money in the form of MPs expenses despite being multi-millionaires. Continue reading


Filed under Entertainment, News, Politics