Tag Archives: driving

OCD taxi driver still searching for ‘indicator flash twin’

Boutsen has an on-off relationship with indicators.

Boutsen has an on-off relationship with indicators.

Eric Boutsen has driven taxis for 25 years, and in all that time has never come across a car whose indicators flash exactly in time with his own.

Despite working double-shifts and taking more turns than is strictly necessary, Boutsen returns home to his empty flat each evening, dejected and bereft.
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Filed under Around Harold, Health

89 year old Windsor woman faces driving ban after road rage incident

Angry woman no match for PC Flegg's tazer

Angry woman no match for PC Flegg’s tazer

An elderly Windsor woman is likely to be disqualified from driving after an incident in which she drove across a Royal Park, nearly hitting a young couple walking their baby.

The woman, who has not been named, is reported to have claimed that she mistook the young family for another couple she knew and their “latest brat” and swerved away the moment she realised her mistake.
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Filed under Royals

New rules for middle-lane hoggers and tailgaters may be used to stop u-turns in Westminster

Miliband was asked to point left for photographers

Miliband was asked to point left for photographers

With motorway police getting new powers to issue on-the-spot fines and penalty points for offences such as middle-lane hogging, police in the Westminster have asked for similar powers to reduce the increasing amount of careless manoeuvres such as u-turns.

The latest person found to be caught making unexpected moves is Ed Miliband, who has been witnessed committing a number of dangerous u-turns around his financial policy. Under the proposed plans, this would have resulted in a £60 fine and three points.
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