Popular ‘Harold in Bloom’ winner disqualified for mass murder.

img_4915-1 Gladys Pymm, regular winner of the ‘Harold in Bloom award for most attractive roadside memorial’ has had her name struck from the trophy after being convicted at Dunstable Crown Court for serial murder.

73 year old Mrs Pymm was crowned winner for the 7th time in 2014 for her outstanding performance in looking after the 46 roadside shrines situated along a short stretch of the B1137 that runs outside her house.

The popular pensioner was often to be seen tending crosses, dead heading plastic roses and rearranging photos and teddy bears along the 300 yard stretch of road.

However some fellow competitors had long suspected foul play following an inexplicable succession of diesel spills within sight of Mrs Pymm’s house.

It was only after 2012 runner up Marjory Fenstanton caught Mrs Pymm on camera emptying a box of roofing nails on the southbound carriageway that police started to think the accidents were more than just an unlucky coincidence.

Mrs Pymm was finally charged following the death of a motorcyclist late one evening in April. A post mortem proved that despite surviving the initial crash he later succumbed to severe trowel related injuries.

Mrs Pymm is expected to be sentenced later this week, and Harold in Bloom organisers are presently considering whether to continue with the Roadside Memorial award or merge it with the ‘Best Kept Dogging Spot’ category.

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