Tag Archives: waste

Edinburgh tram finally ready to offer delays and cancelled services

After six years and £776m, Edinburgh’s new team service is ready to offer delayed services and the occasional cancelation.

The long awaited public transport system was due to start taking paying passengers at 5:00 this morning, as long as the drivers weren’t on strike, and is said to rival any other system in Britain.

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Filed under Culture, News, Travel

Universal Credit ‘a farce’ claim gaseous creatures of Alpha Centauri


Ian Duncan Smith insists Universal Credit wouldn’t pour money into a black hole.

The government’s much-maligned Universal Credit reforms have again faced stinging criticism, this time from the gaseous creatures of Earth’s closest neighbouring star system.

Keen to avoid another u-turn, Ian Duncan Smith wants to keep the name ‘universal’ while making sure as few people as possible are eligible to claim.

In a compromise thrashed out with the Lib Dems, the benefit will be opened up to all known galaxies, but only to sentient beings that have lived in the UK for more than two years and that can speak English, Latin and Plutonian.
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