Tag Archives: Princess Kate

Royal baby delay due to Kate forgetting birth is her job, not the nanny’s

Kate babyAn apologetic Kate promised she will hurry up and give birth now she remembers this bit was her job and not the nanny’s.

“It’s a little embarrassing, I thought nanny Maria was just slacking off as she constantly played that strange game with George where she keeps putting some sort of cloth on his bottom only to take it off a few hours later” explained Kate.
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Horror as expert says Princess Kate may be descended from baboons

The baboon is on the left.

The baboon is on the left.

A genealogist researching the ancestry of the Princess of Cambridge has made the shock discovery that Her Royal Highness is descended from an ape.

“I first had an inkling when I saw that photograph of the wind lifting Kate’s dress above her waist,” said Professor Luke Thorne. “Immediately the thought ‘baboon’ flashed across my mind and I decided to investigate.” Continue reading

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“How to explain a ginger baby” replaces “free porn” as UK’s top Google search

kate ginger2The 700 week run of “free porn” being the UK’s most popular Google search has unexpectedly ended in the run-up to the royal birth, with “how to explain a ginger baby” now taking the top spot. The battle for number one was very close until a number of frenzied searches from Kensington Palace finally saw a new champion.

When quizzed by journalists at his air force base, Prince William expressed considerable surprise at the result, commenting that he had personally searched for “free porn” a number of times that week.
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