“How to explain a ginger baby” replaces “free porn” as UK’s top Google search

kate ginger2The 700 week run of “free porn” being the UK’s most popular Google search has unexpectedly ended in the run-up to the royal birth, with “how to explain a ginger baby” now taking the top spot. The battle for number one was very close until a number of frenzied searches from Kensington Palace finally saw a new champion.

When quizzed by journalists at his air force base, Prince William expressed considerable surprise at the result, commenting that he had personally searched for “free porn” a number of times that week.

Princess Kate also expressed surprise at the result given William’s longstanding interest in budget porn. When pressed for further comment, Kate provided a written statement as follows:

“Red hair occurs naturally on approximately 1–2% of the human population. It occurs more frequently (2–6%) in people of northern or western European ancestry, and less frequently in other populations. Red hair appears in people with two copies of a recessive gene on chromosome 16 which causes a mutation in the MC1R protein.”

Kate added that another way to have a ginger baby was by f**king Prince Harry, but she is almost certain that is not the explanation unless she has counted the days wrong.

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