Tag Archives: Nicky Morgan

“Who is PJS?” SATs question raises more security worries for DfE


Happy Days

A Harold head teacher  has spoken out in defence of the new SATs – described by many as being unnecessarily stressful, pressured and far too advanced, and which reduced some students to tears.

St Mary’s Alison Lee, however, thinks the paper was no more difficult than it needs to be to prepare students for life in current society.

“Parents think that being engaged, inspired little learners will be sufficient for their offspring to succeed, but they’re living in a dream world” said Mrs Lee.

“What sort of mind do you need to have to be able to argue that a super-injunction should hold, even when everyone knows the details of the story in question? How adept at convoluted maths must you be to complete a Panama Papers tax return? These are not skills that are garnered without effort.” Continue reading

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Nicky Morgan’s exercise regime: i) Get onto high-horse ii) Climbdown


Won’t resign on a matter of principal

Nicky Morgan, the perpetually terror-struck Education Secretary, says her U-turn on forced academisation  “wasn’t so much a turn as a bend.”

“As an MP and a  corporate lawyer specialising in acquisitions, my main principles are me and my career. Continue reading

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Nicky Morgan tells union conference “You’ll be wasting your own time”


“Come on then, if you think you’re hard enough” The new Supply Minister loses control of Year 5

Teachers struggled to sit quietly and behave yesterday as Education Secretary Nicky Morgan addressed the conference of the NASUWT.

Starting off with “Hey, I want you guys to call me Nicky, OK?” Mrs Morgan soon realised that the teachers, attending conference and simultaneously marking books, needed a firmer hand.

“You have a choice – if you spend the next four years doing battle with us it will be your own time you’re wasting…” she announced Continue reading

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Plans to turn all state school into academies “shouldn’t apply to us” say Conservative councils


OK, not the best picture but this way we’ve (probably) got the right chap

“It was bad enough when that awful little man Gove was in charge” says Melinda Tilley, the councillor running education in the PMs Witney constituency, who is a tad grumpy about plans to academise state schools. “But this new woman is planning to sell off our schools. And we’re true blue.”

Tilley insists “This is not why I became a Conservative, I became a Conservative so I could tell poor people what to do.”

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Pupil assessment revamp welcomed by delighted teachers


Nicky Morgan wonders if she could change the currriculum on Boxing day

The nation’s schools are today toasting Nicky Morgan, who plans to review how primary school pupils are assessed.

“That’s fantastic!” enthused Harold teaching assistant Carly Jeffery, when we broke the news to her this morning . “I’m bored with the current system, which is over a year old. Can you believe it, more than 12 months?” Continue reading

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