Tag Archives: invasion

Call of Duty: Gaza Strip ‘too easy’ claim disgruntled gamers


A PC version of the game is unavailable.

A new computer game that allows players to re-enact Israel’s invasion of the Gaza Strip is far too easy, according to critics.

“I had a rocket launcher, three machine guns and a 23 tonne bulldozer in my inventory, and all the game put up against me was an orphan in a shack with a food bowl. Frankly, I thought it was a bit shit”, said gamer Ariel Chutzpah.

“I started to feel a bit sorry for her, but then I remembered to activate my ‘Call from God’. It was a piece of piss to deal with her then.”

Chutzpah thinks that the game is just too one-sided, and made him feel bad about killing dozens of innocents. He wants to see a patch released that would give Palestinians a chance, or at least dehumanise them a bit more.
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Filed under Politics, War

Oh what a lovely drawer: PM carries out hostile invasions of private spaces to cheer self up


After a tough week for David Cameron, he has now found himself being criticised in his own home. Samantha Cameron has thrown the prime minister out of their flat in Downing Street and told him to come back when he has grown up and stopped sulking.

The move from ‘Sam Cam’ follows a weekend of the prime minister ‘invading’ different parts of the apartment in a bid to appease his own conscience.

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Filed under International News, News, Religion