Tag Archives: graves

Graves removed from churchyard for celebrity wedding

angry bride

None of the interred have been invited.

With just days to go before the society wedding of the year, bride-to-be Sirah Evans has demanded that all the graves are removed from the church.

During a dress rehearsal, local celebrity Sirah Evans noticed ‘some big stones with names and shit on’, and demanded to know ‘what the f**k were they thinking?’

“I explained to young Sirah that when people pass on, we intern them during a ceremony”, said Rev. Tansy Forster. “The ‘headstones’ mark their final resting place, for parishioners that can read.”
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Filed under Around Harold, Society

New lease of life for allotments as they turn to graveyard a plot at a time

Allotment take-up is a grave business

Allotment take-up is a grave business

Harold’s once-proud allotment plots are getting a long-overdue facelift, thanks to the astonishing average age of their owners.

For years, the village allotments have been a draw for the elderly, who pretend to grow potatoes while drinking gin in their sheds.

But with vegetables now widely available in shops, few youngsters see the point in subsistence farming.
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