Tag Archives: banks

Banks to look into FIFA accounts, looking for tips

imageBritish banks are to have in depth investigations in suspicious FIFA account to see if there is anything they can learn.

A spokesman for Barclays said: “It is looking like FIFA may have had some dodgy dealings happening through their accounts for the last 25 years. That’s impressive in anyone books, and we know about dodgy books. Continue reading

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Filed under News, Politics, Sport

Banks reassure public that despite £2bn fine, poor bankers will still get bonuses

Concerns over bankers’ bonuses were quickly quashed this morning as all of the five banks reassured customers the people responsible for huge fines for interest rate rigging would still be generously rewarded.

The collective fine of £2bn saw the public concerned that the often bashed bankers may have to forgo multi-million pound bonuses, but as Ross McEwan, Chief Executive of publicly owned RBS explained they have been punished enough.

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Filed under Business, Crime

Residents taught to ‘spot an illegal’ as part of operation ‘you talk funny’


The village of Harold is to have all its residents trained to spot illegal immigrants in a trial to work alongside government plans to get banks, landlords and milkmen to check the status of all their customers.

Minister of State for Immigration, Mark Harper MP said: “It is good to see people taking the initiative and fighting the problem of foreigners without relying on proper border controls.
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Filed under International News, News, Politics

Banks misselling feature: Have you ever been in a bank? You’ve probably been mis-sold something


Have you ever walked into a bank, and had a conversation with one of the cashiers? Have you taken advantage of telephone banking only to find yourself talking to someone on the other end of the phone? Have you ever banked online and had some words on the screen?

If you have answered yes to any of the above, a new investigation has shown you were probably mis-sold something.
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Filed under Lifestyle, News

Bank ups security as ramblers allowed to use ‘ancient pathway’ through vault

Bank claims 'They're walking all over us'

Bank claims ‘They’re walking all over us’

Local walkers have won a landmark case today and restored the right to use an ancient pathway. The route, which probably dates back to Roman times, goes from the high street, into the bank, through its vault and back out into the countryside, cutting out the need to walk around the building.

The ‘Rambling Association of Harold (RAH) – not to be mistaken for Rambler’s Anonymous, who meet every week to talk each other to death whilst wearing masks – has welcomed the decision. Doug Walker, the Head of RAH told us “this ruling is the biggest victory for ramblers since vehicles were banned from Harold’s by-pass.”
Want more? Walk this way…

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Filed under Around Harold, Lifestyle, News