Parliament’s favourite porn searches revealed.

David CameronFollowing a freedom of information request, the internet service provider which supplies broadband to the palace of Westminster has revealed what members of the two houses of parliament surf the web for during the really boring bits of government.

The top 10 search terms revealed for July were:

1 How to get your hands on Black Rod

2 Inserting items into the Queen’s Peach.

3 Easy ways to enter the chamber.

4 Big Ben’s massive dong.

5 101 things to do with a well hung parliament.

6  Where can I find advice on swapping parties?

7 The finest upstanding members of the last 20 years.

8 Withdrawing the whip and losing your seat.

9 Can I put a gimp suit on expenses?

10 Harriet Harman in a rubber thong, jelly wrestling with Eric Pickles smothered in cream cheese.

MPs and Lords have been quick to defend the searches as all part of their normal researches into ‘matters arising’ in the upper and lower houses. However none would confirm having anything to do with the top search revealed for June of “Where do I find the best cheap prostitutes and a good supply of coke?”

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