Hard-core porn sites urged to block links to Conservative Party

Iain Duncan Smith laughing

IDS learns of benefit claimant deaths

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) has called on porn-mongers to protect on-line youngsters from the Conservatives

CEOP’s Alison Bright explains. “With teenagers being their biggest customers, they have a duty of care to the young & vulnerable. A kid could be quietly banging one out in his bedroom , to a laptopful of Roman orgy. Then, before he knows it, he sees a foam-flecked Grant Shapps on-screen, lying about something. Again.”

Bright says the Conservatives lure in the unsuspecting with something soft like a David Cameron election broadcast. “But in no time at all, Michael Gove and his awful wife Sarah Vine are tainting your living room with their dreadful bile.”

Under present arrangements, a viewer could be harmlessly browsing amputee dwarf porn and then, one careless click later, find himself reading a Conservative election manifesto. “We must make the internet a safer place for our children” asserts Bright “and ensure that they can crack one out, or troll celebrities on Twitter, without being exposed to that sort of filth.”

“When I heard the soundtrack of grunting and wheezing, I assumed it would be something like a pensioners’ foursome.” said a traumatised porn user. “But when the camera focused, it turned out to be Iain Duncan Smith, wrestling over a benefit cheque with an underfed paraplegic.”


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