Photographers apologise: “oh, you said pictures of a Boxing Day ‘hunt’.”

Members of the paparazzi have apologised to their employers after an instruction to get pictures of a Boxing Day hunt were misheard leaving them with hundreds of pictures of Nigel Farage.

“The instruction was to go out into the countryside and get photographs of a hunt chasing things that they class as vermin with guns,” one photographer told us.

“Then we saw Nigel Farage on horseback looking for some Bulgarians with a rifle in his hands and realised that we misheard Boxing Day hunt and it was actually a Boxing Day c**t we were looking for.

“If that was the brief then we got the perfect shot, but sadly it was an actual hunt we had to follow.”

Accident and emergency departments are now expecting a huge increase in admissions this Christmas with the pictures released meaning it’s not just undercooked turkey making people vomit uncontrollably.

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