God announces that he pickets Westboro Baptist church


“WBC is as much a church as Tony Blair’s a Peace Envoy” – God

Westboro Baptist Church’s announcement that they will picket Robin William’s funeral on the grounds that he was a “fag pimp” has prompted God to announce that he has always picketed them and in fact has never once been inside nor ever met any of its members.

“Westboro is a church like a bat is a treatment for herpes: ineffective, but likely to cause a powerful reaction,” said God. “In them I am not at all pleased.”

God cautioned those who get angry at Westboro Baptist’s Church’s picketing of funerals and waving of offensive placards.

“Anger is understandable and yet negative,” God said. “May I recommend laughing at them? I like laughter. Have you seen Mrs Doubtfire? I love that one.”

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