Yoghurt ‘not a dessert’ rules magistrate


Hostage called for clearer labelling on yoghurts.

Children in Harold can no longer be fobbed off with yoghurt after a meal, following a ruling by magistrate Danielle Hostage.

Local child Chloe Ackroyd (11) took her case to court, after being denied a Jaffa Cake on several occasions. Parents Jeremy and Michelle Ackroyd admitted trying to pass off something healthy as a treat, and asked for a banana and a box of raisins to be taken into account.

“There is a natural order to din-dins, whether it be a packed lunch or picnic”, ruled Hostage. “And it shall not be deemed to have ended satisfactorily until there is mini-rolls, ice cream or biscuits.”

Hostage warned other parents to take dessert seriously, or face the consequences in her court.

“If you’re a parent, think twice before resorting to yoghurt”, said Hostage. “You can have it on your own muesli if you must, but don’t inflict your sour, lumpy off-milk on others.”

“I take this very seriously”, she added. “I’m not a woman to be trifled with, at least not until after I’ve finished my eggy samiches.”

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