Tag Archives: Weapons of Mass Destruction

Blair claims Corbyn could destroy Labour in 45 minutes

"Would these hands lie to you?"

“Would these hands lie to you?”

Tony Blair warns that leadership contender Jeremy Corbyn has a huge arsenal of principles of mass destruction, and these could quickly be deployed to reduce the Labour Party to an organisation that listens to its members.

“People don’t realise how dangerous principles are in the wrong hands” explained foreign dictator consultant Blair. “Jeremy Corbyn could use them to make Labour unrecognisable inside an hour of becoming leader.”
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Murdoch to invade Blair in search of weapon of marriage destruction

Is that a WMD in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

Is that a WMD in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

In the aftermath of the break up of his marriage to Wendi Deng, Rupert Murdoch announced that he will invade Tony Blair to search for weapons of marriage destruction (“WMDs”). Apparently Murdoch believes Blair possesses a long missile-shaped weapon that can fire a clear sticky substance as far as a foot.

A spokesman for Mr Murdoch said similar weapons have already been deployed around the world to break up marriages for many years, and they can be deadly from close range.

“We believe Blair is concealing a WMD in his pants” said the Murdoch spokesman. “And we have information that Blair has been conducting secret solo trials of his weapon for many years.”
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