British is who you are, not what you are.
Question 1.
You are in the supermarket when the store manager announces over the tannoy that an imminent meteor strike is heading your way. Do you
A – Panic buy all the toilet paper, shoving children and old ladies out of the way in your hurry to get what’s rightfully yours?
B – Use it as an opportunity to steal a laptop while everyone is distracted?
C – Go on a gun rampage, killing everyone in sight?
D – Queue patiently for the self service check out, tutting occasionally at all the noise and disorder.
Question 2.
You are on a crowded bus when a frail, elderly gentleman of dark skinned appearance struggles on only to find no seats available. Do you
A – Cast your eyes everywhere but at him in the hope that you don’t meet his gaze.
B – Take the piss out of his shoes?
C – Go on a gun rampage, killing everyone in sight?
D – Offer him your seat insisting that it’s perfectly fine despite your broken leg and neck brace?
Question 3.
You are watching the television news when a piece comes on about a major tragedy affecting hundreds of foreign people in a country you’ve never even heard of. Do you
A – Switch over to watch “When The World’s Shoutiest TV Presenters Attack”?
B – Laugh?
C – Go on a gun rampage, killing everyone in sight?
D – Immediately ring the charity help line to make a small donation then go and make a cup of tea?
Question 4.
You hear that a family of Syrian asylum seekers is moving into the house next door. Do you
A – Immediately start a petition among the local residents to get the filthy scrounging foreign benefit claiming scum removed?
B – Spray paint abusive messages on their front door telling them to go home?
C – Go on a gun rampage, killing everyone in sight?
D – Knock on the door to see if they need anything and invite them to pop round for a nice cup of tea?
Question 5.
You are on holiday in Majorca with your family when you see a woman wearing full burka despite the 40 degree heat. Do you
A – Carry on walking to the ‘Queen Victoria’ British theme pub, grab a pint of John Smith’s and an all day fry up then sit and moan about all the foreigners coming into Europe these days bringing their weird customs and practices and doing nothing to integrate with the local culture?
B – Throw stones at her until she cries?
C – Go on a gun rampage, killing everyone in sight?
D – Think to yourself that she must be jolly warm under that lot and wonder whether she’d appreciate a refreshing cup of tea?
Time to check your answers.
Mostly A – You are probably aged 18 to 35 and have grown up on a diet of Jeremy Kyle, Daily Mail and social media. You’re more of a bigot than your parents but not as bad as your kids. You believe everything you read on the internet.
Mostly B – You are probably aged 11 to 18 and were brought up by people who answered mostly A.
Mostly C – You are either a member of Islamic State or an American. It’s really not easy to tell from your answers.
Mostly D – You have many of the traits that made British people great before consumerism, Americanisation, me-first attitudes and the practice of everything catering solely for the hard-of-thinking took root. Congratulations, you can stay.
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