Obama alleged to have monitored Trump with dastardly ‘reading Twitter’ ploy

Damning proof that Obama can read

President Trump’s allegations that Barack Obama personally monitored him in the weeks before the election are likely true, although there is speculation the method used was ‘reading Twitter’ rather than wiretaps.

Republican Senator Ben Sasse described the allegations as very serious. “We Republicans would never stoop so low as to read even if it’s just 140 characters – it’s just not in our DNE.”

“I expect nothing less than a full Senate investigation where we look at couple of pictures and find Obama guilty. It’s lucky for him he isn’t still President or we’d in peach him.”

When asked for comment by the Evening Harold, Obama denied ever reading Trump’s tweets saying the allegations were ‘a NEW LOW!’ and ‘SAD!’ before mumbling ‘oh shit’ and hanging up.

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