Government unveils new national uniform for public sector workers.


I didn’t like it at first, but it Gru on me.

Iain Duncan Smith has today launched the new national dress code for all public sector workers.

The fetching blue and yellow combo comes complete with sturdy safety goggles and is designed to ensure anyone with a menial job and no future prospects such as council road sweepers, traffic wardens, hospital porters, bin men, bus drivers and the like will no longer be mistaken for someone significant like, say, a middle manager, an accountant or a civil servant.

Union bosses are generally supportive of the initiative, mainly because they don’t have to wear them, but there is some disquiet over the fact that workers will be required to buy the uniform from the official government supplier, a company owned by Mr Duncan Smith himself.

When challenged over the excessive cost of the uniforms, Mr Duncan Smith was unsympathetic.

He merely rubbed his hands together, laughed in a sinister fashion and said ‘I know, despicable isn’t it?’.

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