David Cameron has defended former Trade Minister Lord Green, who’s behaviour as a boss at ‘The world’s local money laundry’ has been criticised simply because HSBC as a whole were a bunch of corporate chumps.
“Look, Stephen Green only came aboard after a full integrity-vetting from Andy [Coulson]. Then I gave him a fancy title, so he didn’t have to go through all that tiresome ‘being elected’ nonsense. And a job helping businesses to earn money we didn’t have because his previous company helped people to hide money from HMRC. Do I mean HMRC? Or is that HSBC? Oh well.”
The Prime Minister went on “Thieving bastards? No, not at all. And thieving is such a subjective term don’t you think?.”
Cameron explained why he’d been so pleased to have Green working for the government. “With his unique skill-set, as an Anglican priest and a world-class money-shuffler, Stephen had already achieved a model work/life harmony. Preaching about the love of money in church on Sundays. And then again in the office from Monday to Friday.”
Pingback: PM dismisses Cluedo finding: “It was Reverend Green! In the Larder. With the #tax – avoiders” | The Evening Harold | sdbast