Clegg ‘does a Miliband’ and forgets big detail from speech – last 4 and a half years.

In an embarrassing moment at the Liberal Democrat conference, leader Nick Clegg ‘did a Miliband’ and forgot a major detail in a speech – the last four and a half years.

“The Tories have run this country into the ground since the last election”, he told delegates.

“Raising tuition fees, not funding free school dinners properly, and having a deputy prime minister more interested in power than doing the best for the country shows they can’t be trusted for another five years.

“That’s why the Lib Dems need to get into power. Then we would be in a position to deliver what ever it is you want for your vote. Free university education anyone?”

However, Danny Alexander has tried to help jog his leader’s memory. “We pretty much wrote the economic plan and implemented it on our own, with no help from anyone,” he explained.

“Unless it was a bit you didn’t like. Then that was definitely those evil Tories. Bastards.”

Mr Clegg has since apologised for missing a chunk of history out of his speech.

“It’s a very easy to forget things when you are trying to deliver a speech entirely without morals. Notes. Without notes, that’s what I meant.”

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