Uncovering FIFA corruption sees The Sunday Times favourite for ‘No Shit, Sherlock’ award for journalism

20140601-074041-27641737.jpgWith the results of an investigation showing corruption in FIFA led to the awarding of the 2022 World Cup to Qatar, The Sunday Times have become this year’s favourites to scoop the ‘No Shit, Sherlock’ award for journalism.

The award is given to stories that use investigations, evidence, and concrete proof to end up with a shocking revelation that most people thought was already fact, leading them to say ‘no shit, Sherlock’.

Previous winners of the award include The Daily Telegraph with their discovery in 2009 that MPs were dishonest.

The Sunday Times editor said: “We are proud to be in the running for the ‘No Shit, Sherlock’ award for uncovering there may have been some dodgy payments that led to the awarding of the World Cup to Qatar, a country that is fatally hot in the summer, wouldn’t allow many of our sponsors, wouldn’t welcome many of our supporters and has never heard of football.

“Although we may have another contender next week when we exclusively reveal the Pope is a catholic.”


Filed under breaking news, News, Sport

3 Responses to Uncovering FIFA corruption sees The Sunday Times favourite for ‘No Shit, Sherlock’ award for journalism

  1. Kudos Mohammed.
    $5M bribe will save Qatar if it’s taken seriously.
    World Cup is bankruptcy. It’s gonna cost Qatar approximately £138 billion (US$220 billion). This is about 60 times the $3.5 billion that South Africa spent on the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Dr Nicola Ritter, a German legal and financial analyst

  2. Reblogged this on Liberalism is Trust Fucked with Prudence. Conservatism is Distrust Tainted with Fear and commented:
    Kudos Mohammed.
    $5M bribe will save Qatar if it’s taken seriously.
    World Cup is bankruptcy. It’s gonna cost Qatar approximately £138 billion (US$220 billion). This is about 60 times the $3.5 billion that South Africa spent on the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Dr Nicola Ritter, a German legal and financial analyst

  3. Reblogged this on Liberalism is Trust Fucked with Prudence. Conservatism is Distrust Tainted with Fear and commented:
    Kudos Mohammed.
    $5M bribe will save Qatar if it’s taken seriously.
    World Cup is bankruptcy. It’s gonna cost Qatar approximately £138 billion (US$220 billion). This is about 60 times the $3.5 billion that South Africa spent on the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Dr Nicola Ritter, a German legal and financial analyst