Ukip councillor blames gay marriage for Piers Morgan returning to the UK


The wages of sin is this face on our televisions forever.

Piers Morgan has been axed from CNN and will undoubtedly be returning to live and work in the UK. As most Britons consider packing a case and heading for the exits one Ukip councillor has blamed this latest blow to the nation’s morale on David Cameron and the legalisation of gay marriage.

Barnaby Nethercott, a sixty-three year old Ukip councillor from Cornwall said in an interview on his local radio station that he had warned David Cameron that something dreadful like Piers Morgan returning to UK television would happen if gay marriage were made legal.

“The scriptures make it abundantly clear,” Nethercott, who describes himself as ‘fierce Baptist’ said. “A Christian nation that abandons its faith will be beset by natural disasters such as storms, floods, pestilence and Morgan.”

Nethercott’s comments swiftly went viral and though they have led to a storm of protest across social media he remains unrepentant.

“I stand by every word,” Nethercott bellowed belligerently at journalists camped on his doorstep. “Unless gay marriage is banned, trains are painted traditional colours and women contained in suitable areas such as the kitchen then Piers Morgan will be given a five-nights-a-week show which the BBC will claim is a British version of the Tonight Show but will in fact be more cringe-worthy and annoying than Vernon Kay hosting Question Time.”

Ukip’s leader Nigel Farage was quick to distance both himself and his party from Nethercott’s words.

“I’ve never met the man,” Farage said. “His views certainly don’t match those of Ukip. And on a personal note I would like to say that Piers Morgan is an arrogant, relentless self-publicist who constantly weighs in on subjects he has no knowledge about and then spits his dummy when he doesn’t get his own way, and as such I hold him in the highest regard.”

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