In an attempt to avoid increasing energy bills, Harold resident, Julie Kettle, has found herself back with her original energy provider after assiduously following Government advice by changing suppliers six times in three weeks to take advantage of the apparent competition.
“At the start of this my provider was SSE,” said Mrs Kettle, “so I was rather distraught when they announced that they were pushing up their bills by 8.2%. The last straw for me was when they announced that their Economy 7 tariff was now going to become ‘Economy 7.57’ in line with the price rise.”
“Then I saw Mr Cameron explaining that we could all avoid paying such increases by changing supplier so I thought I’d give it a go. In the past I’ve tried to be prudent and I’ve followed all of their helpful instructions such as buying gas and electricity together, paying by direct debit and wearing three pullovers, all of which helped, so I thought I’d try switching providers as recommended and cash in.”
British Gas
Upon investigation, although British Gas’s prices were 5% higher than Julie had been paying with SSE, British Gas worked out cheaper for her so it made sense to switch. Unfortunately, on the day that she completed the changeover, British Gas announced an increase in their bills by 9.2%.
Undaunted, Mrs Kettle swiftly changed again to Scottish Power who just as swiftly raised their prices by 8.6% which prompted her to change again. This happened each time she moved suppliers and eventually, after six changes, she found herself back with SSE, her original provider.
“Every time I changed utilities, the bastards put their prices up. Eventually, I decided that they were just doing it to be spiteful,” she said.
The good news is that after all the hassle of changing supplier six times; I’ve ended up back with SS&E which must prove that I was with the cheapest provider all along. The bad news is that my new bill is still 8.2% higher than it was in September.”
“Despite what the Government say, I get the impression that the only winners are the energy companies,” she concluded sadly.
Bastards indeed! And greedy ones at that.x