Bond girl launches Cajazzle – cute jewellery for cats

A L M O S T   A N   A D V E R T I S I N G   F E A T U R E


Cool for cats

Has your moggy become bit of a doggy? Well, you can improve her image by buying her something from Cajazzle, the luxury jewellery range that is guaranteed to take the bag out of your cat.

If you’ve ever thought that your pussy should be better dressed when going out in the evening then Cajazzle has just the thing for you and your feline. Devised by former Bond girl and cat lover, Emilie Bourdain, there is something for all varieties from ginger to tortoiseshell.

“I can’t think why, but no one else produces feline jewellery, so I’m confident that I’ve discovered a real gap in the market,” purred Harold resident, Emilie, explaining that she’d originally had the idea when making the Bond classic ‘More Deadly than the Male’ when she “caught Roger (Moore) stroking one during a break in filming.”

“Some people just hang a flea collar on their pussy and leave it at that,” continued the sultry Emilie, “but I just love to drape mine with pearls and diamonds. It adds a touch of class. Especially when the jewellery is accessorised with the complimentary pawbag for feline feminine essentials, such as lipstick and of course, smartphones.”

The designer range has been endorsed by fashionista Gok Wan who was effervescent with excitement at the launch, “Emilie’s so amazing luxurious collection range will have every cat grinning like  …well… a Cheshire cat.” he said effervescently .

 Cajazzle will be coming to all good petting shops soon.

[Ed: Hey, so you like cute animals? Well, here are some more super stories & ]

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