Tag Archives: Tiananmen Square

Chinese troops out in force for 25th anniversary of ‘nothing happening, honest’


Genuine photo. Honest.

Chinese officials today confirmed that the massive numbers of troops moving into position around Beijing’s Tiananmen Square were there to guard against commemoration of the day in 1989 when “nothing much happened at all.”

Allegations of any kind of ruthless bloody massacre in the Square have always been furiously denied by China’s rulers, with their counter-arguments so persuasive that few if any locals have ever made the claims twice.

“Twenty-five years ago today was a day just like any other,’ explained the Chinese Foreign Minister.  “When nothing happened, nothing at all. We’re marking the occasion with a massive display of force, but I wouldn’t read anything into that. Not if I were you.”

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Missing jet: Malaysia tells China to check Tiananmen Square

tiananmensquareAfter days of enduring Chinese criticism that it is hiding crucial details about missing jet MH370, Malaysia has hit back by suggesting that China look for the jet in Tiananmen Square.

Malaysian officials say Tiananmen Square is the Asian equivalent of the Bermuda Triangle, and seems to mysteriously suck peace-loving people into it without leaving any trace of them behind.
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