Tag Archives: The Interview

North Korea Internet blackout leaves its citizens asking ‘what’s an Internet?’

IMG_0783.JPG A suspected hacking attempt has left North Korea disconnected from the Internet. The blackout leaves most of the people in the reclusive dictatorship asking ‘what’s an Internet?’

“I heard on the state news that the small and insignificant country America had attacked our internet, whatever that is,” one Pyongyang resident said.

“I was appalled and sincerely hope our supreme leader can fix it with his special fixing hammer. Then it can start doing whatever it is it does.
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USA cancelled following hacking scare



It’s been happening since 1776 and has made outstanding contributions to global culture like Phyllis Diller, the chocolate chip pancake covered pork sausage on a stick (no, really) and the maine coon cat but now in the face of a non-specific threat from some unidentified hackers the USA has decided to cancel itself. Continue reading

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