Tag Archives: spying

Dashcam videos replace holiday snaps as top reason not to visit neighbours

Wait, wait...this bit's good...

Wait, wait…this bit’s good…

Compilation videos of three and half hours of ‘hilarious’ minor traffic offences are the reason some people will have no visitors this Christmas.

That’s the claim of a report that found a causal link between dashcam ownership and self-righteous, pompous behaviour.

“In the past, once the sherry glasses had been handed out, you knew you were in for endless photo albums that showed Simon and Heather have better holidays than us”, said Harold’s Nigel Hostage.

“But now, it’s clips of their neighbour crossing a single white line, or stopping with their rear wheels in a box junction”, sighed Hostage. “From the evidence of this film, it’s clear they followed her all the way to Devon.”
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Radical changes in police tactics see officers moved from spying on victims to catching killers

In a bid to increase crime detection rates, police in the UK are to divert resources used to spy on victim’s families to using undercover officers and detectives to catch criminals.

With the damning evidence released from the Macpherson report that suggested the Met had launched a military style surveillance on the family of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence, and now claims the same happened to the mother of student Ricky Reel, police have admitted that to date, this policy has failed to find the killers.

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