Tag Archives: Russell Crowe

Russell Crowe to play SuperTed in dark ‘re-imagining’ of 80s cartoon

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Method actor: In preparation for his new role Russ begins to grow his fur.

Anticipation over the forthcoming SuperTed film has today reached fever pitch with the announcement that Russell Crowe has been cast as the eponymous superhero.

SuperTed, formally an early 80s cartoon character voiced by Derek Giffiths, has been ‘reimagined’ by Batman director Christopher Nolan who has turned it into a much darker tale. Continue reading

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Russell Brand shock: he’s not the nation’s moral leader after all

26th Annual ARIA Awards 2012 - Award Winner Portraits

Peter Pan complex: is Brand the sixth form debater who never grew up?

There was shock for Russell Brand’s acolytes yesterday when it turned out that he is not the nation’s moral leader and holds no official position in either government or the church.

“I thought he was like boss of everything,” said Harold resident and long-term Brand follower Sean Pavey. “Because he gets blanket press coverage and goes on Newsnight giving it the big I am, I assumed he was important.” Continue reading


Filed under News, Politics, Showbusiness