Tag Archives: Michael Brown

Obama shooting latest: Cop explains he saw a black guy stealing the presidential helicopter

ObamaThe police guard who shot President Obama last night as the head of state was striding across the White House lawns toward the presidential helicopter, has defended his actions saying that he “simply did his duty after seeing a suspicious black guy apparently stealing the President’s official helicopter.”

Wayne Derumbo, a white 29 year old US Park Officer,  who was on his first day of duty at the White House when he shot the President said, “I simply did what any officer would do and fired at the black guy as he arrogantly made his way towards Marine One. I didn’t like his attitude, you’d have thought he owned the chopper or something.” Continue reading

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Ferguson shooting protests should continue indefinitely, urges Bill Cosby

bill cosbyAmericans should unite in protesting the decision not to charge Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson with the shooting of Michael Brown, and the protests should continue ‘forever’, according to Bill Cosby, 77, 6 foot 1, athletic build.

“Whether you are black, or white, whether you are young or old, whether you are in Missouri or California, I urge everybody to honour the memory of Michael Brown by single mindedly protesting this decision for as long as it takes” said Cosby, GSOH.
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