Tag Archives: McCririck

After losing his court case; sexist, misogynistic, bigoted McCririck still unsure why he was fired


John McCririck, one time racing pundit and lifelong bigot, has left court today after losing his age discrimination case still unsure why he was fired.

Renowned for his 16th century view of women, McCririck was fired from his position on Chanel 4 Racing, where he was often partnered by Tanya Stevenson, or as he used to call her, ‘the female’.

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‘John McCririck sets precedent for companies to sack weird freaks everywhere’ claims C4


McCririck may have lied on his CV when he claimed to be ‘not all that weird’

Channel 4 has hailed their sacking of John McCririck as ‘striking a blow against oddballs’, and has urged others saddled with irritating weirdos to do the same.

Turning up for work each day dressed some sort of  ‘shit Doctor Who’, no-one can remember how McCririck ever got past the interview process.

But while European law was supposed to stop employers treating normal people like disposable scum, there are fears the same protection has inadvertently been extended to nut-jobs.

“With his hand-tourettes and hair stolen from a badger’s pubic region, no-one in their right mind would justify keeping McCririck”, said a C4 executive.

Unfortunately for the broadcaster McCririck turned out to be quite old. That meant he could claim he wasn’t sacked for his abrasive personality, but because he might die fairly soon.
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