Tag Archives: fans

Disappointment as people realise ‘One Direction caned’ wasn’t a punishment

People in the UK and around the world are said to be ‘disappointed’ to learn that the headline ‘One Direction caned’ wasn’t what they thought.

“I was disgusted when I found out they had been smoking a bit of dope,” one upset music fan told us.

“I was hoping there were caned as a punishment for the crap songs the have inflicted on the world.

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Filed under breaking news, Law and Order, News

Disgust as Justin Bieber defecates on fans

The Biebs out and about of an evening. Seriously.

The Biebs out and about of an evening. Seriously.

Unsettling Canadian pop-chipmunk Justin Bieber has topped off a controversial week by defecating on fans gathered under his hotel balcony.

Over the last few days the nineteen year old sign that the apocalypse has begun has spat on fans, allegedly attacked a DJ and been caught urinating in a mop bucket he found in a restaurant corridor. Now this latest exhibition of grim anti-social behaviour has increased speculation that The Biebs as millions of fans across the globe call him is going what’s known in the music industry as ‘a bit Michael’ and believing himself to be above the law and social convention. Continue reading

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Filed under International News, Showbusiness