Category Archives: Conspiracy

PM ‘calmer’ after Putin sends a smiley

World War Three is back on hold after Putin put a smiley face on Mrs May’s newsfeed.

“The Prime Minister acknowledged that the smiley was a very sweet gesture in response to her earlier full-on rant in Parliament,” said a Downing Street spokesperson.

“There’s no doubt Putin misbehaved and Mrs May was fully within her rights to threaten him with the naughty step. But she was totally disarmed when the happy face popped up on her phone.” Continue reading

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Filed under Conspiracy, Defence, Facebook, Social media

At this point it would be nice if our leaders really were lizards

Friendliest. PM. Ever

As Brexit unfolds with all the grace of a bloated corpse falling out of a walk-in freezer and Donald Trump continues to, you know, be, villagers are finding comfort in the idea that all this is down to lizards. Continue reading

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