Point to your right, Iain
Lack of intelligence, wrapped in a falsified CV, inside a complete absence of empathy, Iain Duncan Smith, has refuted today’s National Audit Office report which states that there is no evidence that welfare sanctions work.
“Of course they work and I’m proud of my legacy as the man who brought them in,” the twuntpuffin of mythic proportions said. “By August 2015 more than 2,500 shirkers had died after being declared fit for work and having their benefits stopped. If that’s not effectively reducing the amount of claimants then I don’t know what is and I’m pleased to see that the system remains as effective to this day while loads of feckless scum don’t remain at all.”
“It the report were true, which it isn’t, and I was wrong, which I’m not,” added the compelling argument for always using a condom. “Then it would mean that the whole thing is a war against vulnerable people created by an ideologically driven sadist who did it mainly to crawl up Paul Dacre’s bottom so Daily Mail readers would get moist and vote Tory.”
“Now how unlikely is that?”
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