Time for humans to stop lecturing us about jumping off cliffs, say lemmings

"Jump off a cliff? We look twice before dismounting a stone."

“Jump off a cliff? We look twice before dismounting a stone.”

After the election of Donald Trump and Brexit, the lemming community says it’s rich of humans to lecture THEM about jumping off cliffs.

Lemming spokesman Nigel said while he and his fellow rodents were only endowed with very small brains, they gave up cliff jumping decades ago.

“Jump off a cliff? That’s far too dangerous. We look twice before dismounting a stone” said Nigel. “We’re not fecking idiots you know.”

“But you humans, voting for Brexit, voting for Donald Trump. Hello? You don’t think they’re pretty big cliffs?”

“And you were prepared to jump because of what you read on a baseball cap and the side of a bus.”


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