“Have you tried writing lies on buses?” Farage campaigns for Trump


O, thou scabrous reptile, thou cream-faced loon, thou pussy toad

2016 tightens its grip on the title of Most Batshit  Year There’s Been with the news that mendacious bigot, Nigel Farage, appeared at a rally with mendacious bigot, Donald Trump. Leaving many to wonder what they could possibly have in common. 

“In my speech I told the Brexit story,” said Farage. “I hope my charming tale of how a humble multi-millionaire former stockbroker convinced many of the UK’s smaller thinkers to vote to leave the EU armed with just a bus and a hideously racist poster will inspire easily led American xenophobes to vote for Donald.”

“I also said that I wouldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton if you paid me, which is of course a lie,” he said. “I’m an ex-Tory who’s creamed millions in expenses from the European Parliament. I’d do anything if you paid me.”




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