He’s got the music in him
Veteran Christian apologist and creator of that faun that got everyone a bit moist in the film adaptation, C.S Lewis, has been confirmed as a contestent on this year’s Strictly Come Dancing.
“It’s a real coup for us,” said executive producer Louise Rainbow. “Lots of people know C.S Lewis as one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century who really got to the heart of who we are with books like The Problem of Pain and The Screwtape Letters. What they may be surprised to learn is that he can rumba like a bastard.”
Lewis joins J.S Bach, Barbara Woodhouse, Peter Hitchens and Edith Cavell in what is tipped to be the most closely fought series yet. Fans of glittery nonsense everywhere say that they are hugely looking forward to it and the distraction from the aching void within that it provides.
Rumours that Ed Balls and Will Young are also appearing were dismissed by Rainbow as “too silly.”
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