Public now nostalgic for when the news, social media was all celebrity deaths

Public would now accept the death of three national treasures to escape referendum debate on Facebook

Public would now accept the death of three national treasures to escape referendum debate on Facebook

The dreadful sequence of deaths of much-loved musicians, comedians and actors that saw in the year now looks like a golden age of feel-good news against the nightly horror show the public suffer now, says everyone.

As sad as it was to lose Bowie, Rickman, Wogan and Wood, there was a sense of gladness for having known them and their work which is completely absent from the current onslaught of unadulterated misery.

And as a bewildering bonfire of hatred and rage threatens to engulf their Facebook timelines, people are longing for a return to the simple times when all they had to do was tweet about how sad they are that a singer has died.

“If only…I don’t know…Paul McCartney? Lulu?…I mean, I don’t want them to die, but I could at least understand that kind of news. Is Pam Ayres still alive?…maybe she could…don’t get me wrong, but that would be easier to take than this non-stop fear fuelled anxiety I’m being fed,” commented one blogger from the cupboard under the stairs as he tried to control his breathing into a paper bag.

The public also urged celebrities to do more saucy super-injunctions, if they’re not for dying.

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