After the landmark high court ruling that there was no case to answer for a parent who refused to pay his £120 term time holiday fine, flagging PPI claims companies have shifted their greed from the financially ignorant to self-righteous middle class parents.
Parents who took kids out of school and hid behind the thinly veiled argument that it was better for “Jocasta and Tarquin to experience a different culture and language”, whist taking them to Disneyland or skiing for 2 weeks, can now relax and simply admit the truth : they wanted to save a few quid on a holiday.
“It’s an open goal for us”, said Martin Pollard, CEO of claimsforclaimssake ltd who specialise in taking 35% of what they say in their advert is ‘rightfully the customers money’.
“All of these parents didn’t think twice about paying the fine at the time, but now this has happened they’ll be crawling out of the woodwork to get it back. It’s like free cash for us now, I mean for them now”.
Pollard is also hoping to claim back the £72.50 in stolen dinner money that was taken from him by Gripper Stebson in 1986.
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